Community First Aid offers First Aid services at your public or private event.  All First Aid Attendants hold current First Aid Certificates at various levels.


Name of Organization Requesting Service 

Contact Person's Name 

Contact Person's Phone Number (including area code) 

Contact Person's Email Address 

Organization's Mailing Address (including postal code) 


Name of Event 

Location of Event  
We may request a map of the event and a schedule/timetable

Date(s) of Event 

Start & End Times / Date 

Number of Participants/Organizers  and  the Number of Spectators (estimate)


Admission Fee (if applicable)

     Indoor Event     Outdoor Event     Indoor & Outdoor Event     
Onsite Contact Person's Name  and  Onsite Contact Person's Phone Number
Rain out/contingency plan and other notes: 

The Community First Aid Team is a non-profit volunteer organization funded by donations which are used to maintain equipment, stock medical supplies, and provide services.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  We look forward to receiving your donation of $ on the day of the event.

Please note, if the form does not submit, check to ensure all your information is filled in completely and correctly, then click the Submit button again.   :)